Games — race
Need for Speed™ Hot Pursuit Remastered
3080 RTX 6800xt AMD asus Gamer GamerUnltd Nvidia race ryzen 5800

Reignite the pursuit in Need for Speed™ Hot Pursuit Remastered, coming Nov. 6 on PS4, Xbox, and PC, and Nov. 13 on Switch: Ten years ago, Criterion Games released their critically acclaimed franchise debut Need for Speed Hot Pursuit. It introduced NFS and racing fans to the winding, open roads of Seacrest County, Criterion’s renowned feel for breakneck speed and gameplay, and the innovative Autolog system, empowering true social competition between friends. Ever since, we’ve heard so many stories about the triumphant moments and heated rivalries Autolog fostered. Some of which run very, very deep. Like the one between...