Events — race event
The Roll Racing Fall Final @ Pocono Raceway
import 2 race import race Pocono Raceway race event Race Motive RTX

On October 8, we welcome you back to the infamous "Tricky Triangle" to push the limits as you enjoy an exhilarating day of competitive roll-racing. - Racers will automatically qualify into 1 of 10 MPH-based classes. Classes do not dictate who you can/can't race. - Every fair start (below 65.99 MPH) run counts towards each racer’s personal best MPH for the day. - The highest MPH at the end of the day within each class wins and is awarded their trophy. Racers may race against anyone from any class. • 10 CLASSES •• 1/3 MILE ROLL-RACING •• VERIFIED START SPEED...