Ford F-150 Whipple Supercharger vs Corvette Rematch & more: Orlando Speed World

Corvette Rematch Ford F-150 Whipple Supercharger Orlando Speed World Dragway

John Torres interview Pete the Ford F150 Whipple Supercharger driver, battle it out vs a Corvette rematch @ Full Throttle Friday @ Orlando Speed World Dragway. It's a Domestic vs import drag race

The Orlando Speed World roars to life as anticipation crackles in the air. Tonight's Full Throttle Friday features a domestic rematch: Pete's Ford F-150, wielding a Whipple supercharger, against the iconic Chevrolet Corvette.

The Contenders:

Pete's Ford F-150: This ain't your average farm truck. Packing a Whipple supercharger force-feeding its 5.0L V8, Pete's F-150 boasts a tire-shredding 800 horsepower and enough torque to pull a house. But can muscle overcome aerodynamics on the drag strip?

Chevrolet Corvette: The timeless American sports car needs no introduction. This generation, a sleek predator with a 6.2L LT2 V8, pushes out 490 horsepower and 470 lb-ft of torque. It's known for its speed, but can it outrun raw, supercharged muscle?

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